FREE Feetcalm mousse of your choice with every post
Get a FREE Feetcalm Mousse 75ml of your choice after you post the BEFORE and AFTER of your pedicure.
- Post must include at least 2 Feetcalm actual products used in the pedicure (products must be real products stocked by the professional and not copied and pasted images)
- Post must be either on Facebook or Instagram (stories not accepted)
- Post must include a tag of Feetcalm Malta page
- Only 1 post per 30 days for a single client is eligible for the gift
- After posting you will need to send us a message on Facebook with the link so we can verify and confirm the gift for you
- Wait for our approval or feedback (maximum of 1 business day)
- Free Mousse to be delivered with the your next Feetcalm order or picked up from the outlet within 10 days of approval otherwise offer will be expired and not redeemable
- Offer applicable only to Feetcalm wholesale clients